Google Pixel vs. iPhone: Which Smartphone Reigns Supreme Down Under?

So, you are looking for a new smartphone, and you’re caught between the two giants of the technology industry: Google Pixel and iPhone. Can’t seem to decide? Well, you’re in the correct place. We will examine these two behemoths deeply and evaluate which one comes on top for Australian consumers. So, let’s begin.

Google Pixel and iPhone Design and build quality:

Let’s begin with the basics. Both Google and Apple have sleek designs, but some tiny differences exist. On the one hand, we have the Pixel, whose clean lines and bold colours make it look contemporary, while on the other, we have the iPhone, whose aesthetic appeal is more traditional.

Google Pixel

Both phones have high build quality. They’re crafted from premium materials such as aluminium, stainless steel, and high-quality plastic, so they can endure quite a few rough moments. However, some users reported problems related to durability with respect to the glass back of Pixel.

Camera performance: 

For many smartphone users, camera performance remains an important concern. Google and Apple have been key players in smartphone photography, and their devices bear witness to this fact.

The Pixel’s camera is usually lauded for stunning pictures even in low light conditions. Through computational photography, Google does so well these images become detailed and colourful. 

In contrast, the iPhone has gained its reputation based on versatility, compared to other mobile phones, including those from Samsung or Xiaomi, which are still limited to conventional smartphone qualities only. 

Software ecosystem:

Pixel phones run on Android, a smartphone operating system owned by Google. It offers users a host of features, customisation, and flexibility of use. There is also a greater diversity of applications and games offered; however, iOS, the operating system that iPhones use, is famed for its simplicity in use. Its ecosystem consists of other Apple devices that facilitate easy synchronisation with your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, or Macbook.

Battery life:

Battery longevity is a key factor and deserves attention, too. In recent years, both Google and Apple have made improvements to their phones’ batteries, which last longer now. But in terms of battery performance, Pixel has an upper hand compared to the two manufacturers.


Both Google and Apple design their own processors, giving them a clear advantage over any other phone maker. Google developed the Tensor chip, which is responsible for artificial intelligence and machine learning features in the Pixel, whereas the A-series Bionic chips make iPhones remarkable performers.

Both phones offer incredible speeds, fast processing, and quick execution of commands. You won’t find a lag in the performance of either processor.


Display is another important consideration when choosing between the two brands’ products. Generally speaking, both use OLED display panels whose quality can’t be compared with others concerning colour accuracy and contrast. 

However, there are differences in terms of refresh rates and display sizes. But when it comes down to just display quality, both brands seem to be on an even level.

Safety and security features:

Google and Apple emphasise user safety and security. For example, Google presents features like Face Unlock and Smart Lock, whereas Apple has Face ID and Touch ID. Among the recent highlights of Apple’s safety features in newer iPhones are SOS calls after a crash and making emergency calls via satellite where no network coverage is available.

Moreover, both companies regularly update their operating systems with security patches.

Gaming comparison:

As far as games are concerned, both the iPhone and Google Pixel are hailed for their great performance. In terms of sheer computing power, the iPhone, which comes with Apple’s A-series chips and a custom-tailored iOS, is usually just a little bit ahead. 

However, Google Pixel, backed by a Tensor chip and the most versatile Android operating system, is a strong contender, at least for those who like to tinker with settings and configurations. 


Price is always a key factor, right? In fact, Google and Apple have different models at various prices. But the Pixel is normally less expensive compared to the iPhone, especially on base models.

Which One To Purchase?

The best smartphone for you will depend on your personal preferences and needs. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Budget: Both Google and Apple provide different phones at varied prices. Choose according to your budget.
  • Operating System: If you want more customisation options, Android may be your best option; if not, iOS may be more suitable.
  • Ecosystem: If you own any other Apple gadget, it would be easier for an individual to fit the iPhone into their system.
  • Camera: The Pixel and iPhone have fantastic cameras, especially if photography is one’s number one priority.
  • Performance: For gaming or difficult jobs that require processing power, iPhones with the A-series chip may be a better choice than Pixel smartphones.

Ultimately, each smartphone has its own strengths and weaknesses, making it important to physically test them out so that you can make an informed decision about which one to buy. 

Last words: 

So, who wears the smartphone crown in Down Under? The answer is relative and subjective, as both Google Pixel and iPhone deliver quality in terms of performance, design, and features. However, if you go by numbers, the iPhone is a clear winner because it is the country’s number one-selling smartphone brand.

But, in the end, the best device will depend on one’s taste, needs, requirements, lifestyle and preferences.

Additional tips:

  • Usage history: Remember to have an idea of how you will use your phone before making any choice. A heavy gamer would prefer a mobile with a powerful processor, while someone who is into taking pictures would want a cell phone with great camera specifications.
  • Read reviews: Before deciding, read other people’s thoughts and consider the pros and cons of both phones.
  • Try it out: If possible, use or hold both phones firsthand to feel their look and performance.


1- Which phone has a better camera? 

Interestingly, the cameras on both the Google Pixel and iPhone are terrific. Low-light performance is one area where people usually compliment the Pixel; on the other hand, iPhones have an expansive range of features that make them really versatile.

2- Which phone has better battery life? 

When it comes to battery life, the Google Pixel is usually ahead by just a little bit.

3- Which phone is more affordable? 

Compared to iPhones, Google Pixel phones are relatively cheaper, especially regarding base models.

4- Which phone is better for gaming? 

Because of its powerful processor and well-designed software, the iPhone is usually considered a better gaming device.

5- Which one among these devices supports more customisation? 

Android, found in Google pixels phones, generally operates more favourably towards personalising your mobile gadget compared to what iOS offers.
